Confucius say
Beware the man who takes twice as many words to say the same thing as the other guy.
The other day, a half hour was spent congratulating the LSU tigers baseball team. There was a motion spent speaking about how great the team did and that they should be congratulated. Bill Cassidy R- Louisiana (District 6 – Baton Rouge).
What do I know about his district? Those people took care of themselves after Katrina. So here is a kind of guy we would probably like. His constituents are made up of people who would hold many of our same values. It could even be assumed that HE holds near and dear those same values. Here is a guy just speaking to either hear himself speak or for political motives.
(Insert direct House records from C-Span…transcripts)
These discussions and phone calls and awards about local athletic teams, it has to stop. We get it already. We know how great they all are. Just don’t spend a freaking other nickel of our money on this supercilious twatter. And it’s great to have a Post Office named after you but damn it that seems like that is all they do. Granted I’d rather see them wasting their time and grinding to a halt the legislative wheels on some superfluous detritus but it’s the total waste of money that really irks me.
The result of years of breeding attorneys to hold positions of power in our government have produced this tripe. I’m not sure if they get drunk on power or if they actually think people really want to hear them go on and on about non-important factors. Maybe they just to listen to themselves speak. Our government is made up of laws. And they want to write more. And the ones who are there claim the bills are too damn complicated to even be bothered reading. This is just insanity.
I really believe we are witnessing a truly monumental political movement here in the US of KKK.
So go to sleep citizens
We’ll wake you up when we’re done
We’ll wake you up when we’re done
“The Greatest Denier”
Kingdom of Rust
Kingdom of Rust
May you live in interesting times.
Chinese Proverb
A really long time ago
A really long time ago