Ch 14

The Day After Antietam
After all these years, I could not put on a pair of shoes without thinking back to that terrible day after Antietam. Seeing the bloated, bare feet of the dead soldiers in my dark memories made me pause. The stench of death mixed with the lingering odor of spent gunpowder was a part of every battlefield, but those smells lived only in memory. But I was reminded of the bare footed soldiers and their twisted, burned, bleached, bruised and battered feet baking in the sun every time I put on a pair of shoes or boots.
Thankfully, our green company missed that dreadful battle. Understanding that every soldier is green at one point and that every boy becomes a man after their first taste, has no bearing on my belief that it was only thru Divine Providence we were spared any hot action at Antietam. Experiencing just the aftermath prepared us in ways that no words could ever accomplish.
I was a drummer boy for the 123rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. I was 13 when I joined. I knew some who lied about their age by writing “18” on a piece of paper and then putting it in their shoes. When they were asked their age, they could truthfully reply they were “over 18.” Because of my size, I wasn’t able to even try that ruse, although carrying a drum compared to carrying a Springfield suited me better anyway.
What a crazy six weeks this has been.
I have been able to finish several chapters and I continue my efforts toward completion. In addition to the extra work around the house I’ve also been able to spend some quality time with the family.
Do I think this whole thing has been overblown? Yes. Do I think this is a nasty virus and we should take steps to avoid it? Yes. Both things can be true. I am concerned about the $50 cure for the $10 problem and unfortunately these kids will never get this time back. And don’t even bring up my UD Flyers and how this was going to be their year in March Madness.

Oh, and I have been learning as much as possible about my new camera. I took the above color pictures at a local park.
Stay safe…
Post Scrip
December 26, 2020

At this very moment there is much debate about the size of the Covid-19 Stimulus package. Well, I mean it isnt really debate…its more like a bunch of finger pointing, name calling, posturing, etc. Considering its 5000 plus pages…considering no one in congress bothered even trying to read it….considering the $600 per person that is proposed is only a third of the total cost of the package with the rest going for things like studies Gender Studies in Pakistan, lizards on treadmills, 15 million to