Those who are kind to the cruel are cruel to the kind

It’s an axiom that dates back to ancient biblical texts. Dennis Prager mentions it often. And it’s completely applicable in the PA Senate race which pits Dr. Oz and his rich person baggage with strong ties to Donald Trump against the Left of Bernie, barely coherent, political beast AKA John Fetterman.

One thing I’m certain of…Fetterman’s chances of becoming a major, national political performer are not dependent on whether he wins or loses this senate race. He is assured of continuing as a political rockstar.

Probably a month ago I was driving through Homestead. Actually, we were on our way to see Maverick now that I think about it. (Great movie by the way, and I’m very glad I got to see it on the big screen.) And its 3:30pm on a hazy, hot Sunday afternoon and there he is walking along the path – not 100′ from where the barges landed and the Pinkertons jumped out. And its 89 degrees. And he’s wearing that fucking sweatshirt! And there isn’t a person in site along that path. But you just had a feeling that there was a security detail somewhere in the vicinity.

An interesting topic of conversation is the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution and how John Fetterman is the likely politician of choice in the culture of 2022. For the first 125 years of our great republic the US Senators were elected/chosen by state legislatures. It was yet another check and balance. Yet, with the passing of the 17th amendment, each state lost their advocate at the national level. It was a consolidation of power and when power is consolidated that typically never bodes well.


I feel sorry for this guy.

I wonder when the fake Fetterman will appear?

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