Eberhart and Ober Brewery
Drink Early & Often
The streets look nearly deserted in this 1920 photograph of where Troy Hill Road ran into East Ohio Street. The sign advertising Tech and E&O beer is the main point of interest in this otherwise featureless cityscape. Only the choicest malts and hops were utilized. The company offered $1,000 to anyone who could discover any adulteration in its various grades of beer, according to the 1896 edition of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Illustrated. (Pittsburgh City Photographer, 1901-2000, AIS.1971.05, Archives Service Center, University of Pittsburgh.)
The above photo and caption appear on page 33 of my book Around Troy Hill, Spring Hill, and Reserve Township, Arcadia Publishing 2011.
We inherited some interesting items a few years back from a relative who was a tavern owner. One of my favorite pieces is the below E&O Beer sign.

E&O Beer was brewed for a time on Pittsburgh’s North Side, just a block away from where the street scene above was taken. When 279 went through back in the 80s this part of historic Deutschtown was cut off from the rest of Old Allegheny. After decades of neglect the Penn Brewery moved into the space.
The Penn Brewery offers many quality beers and should absolutely not be missed if given the opportunity.