Simulation Theory

WE are the product.

See, that’s the tricky part to pin down. How many generations before us have also been the product?

Does the chicken at the factory farm dream? Where do people fit in the food chain?

The technology we have surrounded ourselves with is a perfect vehicle for massive amounts of information to be gathered, shared and then treated like a commodity by some unknown entity.

(By admitting just a few basic concessions, the ramifications of who or what is actually utilizing this data ventures into mind boggling territory. And if you concede one step, wouldn’t it be logical to concede another step? And then another? How far down the food chain are we in the grand scheme of things? )

But much of this same technology also delivers information to us every waking moment. And in case you haven’t noticed, we are constantly being conditioned to believe one of two things. Everything comes down to Left or Right. Blue or Red. Etc, etc, etc. and on into infinity.

Factor in the lobbyists on K Street, the politicians who are 100% for sale, a society addicted to superficiality and global corporations that own everything… the result is where we are at.

The obvious things to ask relating to the premise.

Who or What is utilizing this raw data?
Why is the information being gathered?
What is the ultimate goal?
How many steps ahead are the folks/things pulling the strings?
Why are we systematically being programmed to want to share our entire life story, down to the most minute detail, on social media?
Have human beings not noticed these things before?

The Green Movement and the batteries that require child slave labor to mine the essential elements. Why is that never a part of the discussion? It’s an important detail and shouldn’t be short-changed.

Why is everything framed as Left or Right? It does seem to all boil down to 1’s and 0’s.

The smartphones we use on a daily basis. Is it to get us to buy things? Or is the next level up selling our essence to the highest bidder?

We are the product.

From Mark Twain’s America page 182.


President Andrew Jackson pays off the national debt, continues to move Native Americans off their lands and survives the first presidential assassination attempt.

Was there ever a time when a centralized governmental bureaucracy, or a tyrannical despot, or a king or queen, or a 13th century Archbishop, or a Robber Baron, or a garden variety WEF political illuminati drunk on power and self-importance after a Davos weekend hobnobbing with Bill Gates and Alexander Soros, or a 19th century Mississippi plantation owner or this guy ever actually operated in an altruistic manner toward their citizens?

It always boils down to Greed.

It always boils down to money.

If you look at how our food is produced and consumed and the pure chemicals we all eat on a daily basis, there are several questions that should be posed.

Why are we being fed processed garbage?
Who approves this garbage to be able to be brought to market?
Which companies benefit from an unhealthy populace?

Any reasonable person would come to understand that if our health and well-being were actually a priority, then things would be different. If you look at the most recent rates regarding chronic illness and obesity, and the trajectory we are on, the logical conclusion is that we as a society are exactly where the powers that be want us to be.

Listen to their thoughts on global population. They think there are too many of us. As George Carlin said, “It’s a big club and you aint in it.”

We are the product.

But what kind of entity would ever intentionally poison its citizenry?

What is bad for society is good for government.

You make everyone fat by feeding them garbage food completely devoid of any nutritional value. The citizens end up requiring medication. Advocates argue that free healthcare is a right. Before you know it, we are all on some sort of medication and the health care industrial complex is there to fill that need. It’s a hideous circle with government tax dollars being utilized to get everyone sick. Combine that with big government advocates pushing for an even bigger government. This is of course to correct the situation they created in the first place.

Manufactured chaos creates a level of fear in the citizenry. And the citizenry will clamor for governmental protection while sacrificing their God given rights. True freedom requires risk, and we are a soft society with an aversion to risk taking. A generation of boys being raised under the idea of masculinity being toxic has been by design.

WE are the product.

I presume there are studies that exist in academia showing, in minute detail, the sheer wealth that slavery produced for gentrified landowners. But make sure you don’t stop there. Look at the Pro-slavery moneyed interest that existed in the north in the mid 19th century. And also look at how penny newspapers existed to sell soap, to entertain the masses and to promote an idea. Do you believe in coincidences? Is it like the glitch in the matrix?

2024 and our reality

This explanation somehow seems more comforting than the image of the chickens in the factory farm.

But it’s not all gloom and doom. I take solace in the Prometheus myth and considering some of the ancient wonders and lost advanced civilizations maybe there is more to this stuff than just a good story.

Look to the heavens for that advocate of mankind – the hero. Look to the stars. Look to a higher place. Look to things beyond what you see on the surface. Look beyond the mass-produced garbage that we are deluged with on a consistent basis.

But be careful what you think. You may wake from your slumber.

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